General Capabilities
The Xtra system can be viewed as having a number of different functional tasks. Once the user is authenticated with user name and password, they will be presented with a web page containing functionality appropriate to their privilege level, e.g., administrator, operator, or guard.
1. System Administration: The administrator sets up the system to be used on a daily basis. The administrator can add other users and assign them privileges, i.e., authority to perform specific functionality through out the system. The administrator will also need to set up the system company information and user defined fields. If needed the administrator performs diagnostics and database import export functions.
2. Event Monitoring: the user will monitor the facility by responding to alarms, monitoring and controlling doors, and viewing cardholder activity. Although Xtra monitors a facility continuously, a user must have his web browser up and be logged into the Presidio system to receive notification messages (with the exception of those explicitly routed to a pager or email).
3. Cardholder Data: the user can manage all of the cardholder records in their system. Users can add, delete, and modify cardholder database records. They can also generate cardholder data queries for downloading or printing.
4. Reports: the user can run and schedule reports of information about the system as well as event and alarm activity.